Balance bicycle

Children's bicycles without pedals, also called balance bikes or pedagogical bicycles, were created to allow children to become familiar with the size of two wheels.

These small miniature bikes look a lot like those of adults and represent a great little step towards independence: they are perfect for developing and improving the child's sense of balance because they offer a great help for coordination and use of the hands and legs without the risk of falling and allow you to gain the confidence to learn to ride a bike more easily when you are older. The wheels and adjustable saddle ensure comfort on board and the handlebar ensures maximum freedom of movement while pushing the small vehicle with your legs.

Our balance bikes are the perfect gift for the little ones who have not yet learned to ride: available in many models with different colors and proposals in numerous variations to satisfy the tastes of boys and girls, they represent an invitation to leave the house and start exploring the world around you.

On board a truly unique balance bike, safe, stimulating and always fun, it will be easier for the child to switch to a bike with pedals and will be able to choose freely and in total safety which corners of the house to explore and feel like the king of the park. or the garden, without forgetting to wear a helmet, so that he can have fun in total safety!

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Wooden balance bike for children with basket Balance Ride Promotion

Wooden balance bike for children with basket Balance Ride

-£40.00 £249.99
  • -£40.00
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